Happy 11th Birthday WordPress

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WordPress passes another year, it’s eleventh, gaining strength at every step. The last year has seen the software and, more importantly, the community only get better.

Across it’s life from the humble beginnings through the first release, and nearly 90 more releases  to the current version 3.9.1, it has come to dominate the CMS world with a market share of 60% and the general web with over 22% of all websites. Happy 11th birthday WordPress!

As always, WordPress owes its strength to the fantastic community around it.

I am continually excited about WordPress and its future. In particular, I am more than pleased that in the UK this year we will have at least four WordCamps; Sheffield we already had, with Manchester, Bournemouth, and London to come.

The number of local meet-up groups is growing too: my own Manchester WordPress User Group goes from strength to strength, other established groups continue to thrive, and yet more have started, are re-starting, or are in the planning stages.

I’m happy to call myself a WordPress Specialist and work 100% exclusively with WordPress. WordPress changed my life and WordCamps and the WordPress community continue to enhance it; how has your life been affected by WordPress?

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  1. […] Mike Little celebrates with a look at the UK WordPress community, whilst WP Tavern outlines how far the project had progressed since the early […]