WordCamp Lancaster, UK 2013

This coming weekend is WordCamp Lancaster, and I am really looking forward to it.

Although we have an active local WordPress community, especially the regular (and irregular) attendees of the monthly Manchester WordPress User Group I run, I look forward to meeting WordPress enthusiasts from the wider UK community as well as a few international travellers who attend.

This year looks to be as well attended and full of interesting speakers, with a full and varied schedule. I’m looking forward to several of the talks. I’m running a two-hour “Starting out with WordPress” workshop on Saturday morning again this year, and I’m also part of the “Site Doctors” session on Sunday.


There are still tickets available, so if you want to take part in a two-day WordPress un-conference with three tracks and a “Happiness Bar”, a free t-shirt, a mug, and sponsored drinks at the Saturday night social all for just £35,  grab one now.

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