WordPress–11 years since the beginning

As WordPress enters its twelfth year, it’s interesting to reflect on what has been achieved in the last eleven .

Eleven years ago today, I left a comment on comment on Matt Mullenweg’s blog (back when it was photomatt.net) that kicked off a fork of the un-maintained b2/Cafelog blogging software that quickly turned into  WordPress!

From those humble beginnings WordPress has matured into a world-beating open source CMS. B2/Cafelog was used by perhaps 2,000 bloggers. Now WordPress runs almost 75 million sites around the world. That’s now over 22% of the web!

WordPress as an industry continues to grow

WordPress supports a world-wide, billion dollar, industry from  WordPress specialists like me (I’ve completed my fifth year trading as my company zed1.com); small WordPress-based companies like Code for the People and Human Made; through to multi-million dollar companies like CopybloggerWooThemes, and of course Automattic.

Praise must go to the fantastic community around WordPress, the singular vision of Matt Mullenweg, and the awesome power of the GNU GPL open source license.

Here’s to the next year

Last year saw the releases of versions 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Each improving in many ways on what as become the world’s favourite CMS. WordPress 3.9 is being worked on now, and I predict it will be another great year for WordPress.

Update: This should have been published on the 25th, but I seem to have missed clicking the publish button!

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  1. Here’s to another eleven great years Mike! 🙂

  2. …sometimes just a Little comment changes the world. 😉 Thank you Mike!


  1. […] I blogged about the 11th anniversary of WordPress’ beginnings over here […]